Here are some things you should familiarize yourself with before the exams.
Note: This is for informational purpose only and not solutions.
Retort stand with clamp;
spring balance;
two beakers, 500cm each
(A) containing water and labelled water;
(B) containing kerosene and labelled liquid L;
set of masses 50g, 100g, 150g, 200g and 250g;
thread about 1 m
Retort stand with clamp;
Flat bottom plastic petri-dish;
Syringe about(0-10cm). Remove the needle. Pull up the plunger. Use flame from a match stick to melt and seal the tip of the syringe to ensure that it is air tight;
use appropriate (plastic to plastic) adhesive to fix the bottom of the petri-dish symmetrically to the top of the plunger;
set of masses 500g, 1000g, 1500g, 2000g and 2500g.
NOTE : masses may be improvised with fine dry sand.
Potentiometer (0 - 100cm);
ammeter (0 - 3A);
voltmeter (0 - 5V);
2 ohms standard resistor labelled R;
two dry cells each 1.5V or 2V freshly charged accumulator;
plug key;
eight connecting wires.
Other Subjects shall be added soon... keep an eye on this blog.